Me at the top, pre-glide.

The platform you had to run off.

A hang-glider getting ready to go!

Flying like a bird. The treetops looked like
broccoli from that far up! :)

I figured this was better than a thank you card!
(Thanks Annie!)

Safely on land. Wanted to do it all over again!

Nice view of the beach eh?
Our last day there, we made our way up to see Christ The Redeemer, the figure of Christ that towers over the city. It was ridiculously busy up there since clear days were hard to come by while we were there. It was hard to get a good shot. But here are a few.

Taken from the back-side, after my hang glide.

Large and in charge.

You can see why it´s so packed. What a view!
I spent 11 days in Rio and loved every minute of it. Even on the rainy days! It was nice to be in a place for awhile, find a good group of friends and feel like I lived there, if only for a short time. Jules and I are headed to Quito, to live for a month and study Spanish. So we headed to Sao Paolo, boarded our LAN flight to Lima and relished in the luxury of airline travel. We are currently still in Lima. We thought we could get a bus, but because of the holiday we couldn´t get a bus until Tuesday so we will ring in the New Year here in Lima. Hope you all are doing something fun and celebrating the excitement of a new year. I am excited for what this year has in hold for me. And not having a clue is the best part!
you're so lucky to be able to travel all over. :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Currently it's 3 degrees in Indy with a -15 degree wind chill so SUCK IT! :) I missed seeing you this holiday - but am glad you're spending it soaking up the culture and beauty of South America.
Thinking of you all the time!
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